research Projects

This pages lists some of the current research projects in WINET, as well as some of the most relevant past projects. This is a selection of projects, so a complete list of areas of interest and projects can be found on the Lattes CV of the researchers.

CIIA SAúde- AI innovation center for the health sector

Project web site. AI is spurring a wave of innovation in most sectors in the economy. CIIA is an initiative from the Science and Technology Ministry of Brazil to increase cooperation among leading universities in AI research and the brazilian companies. This project is expected to generate research as well as innovation in the health sector. The CS department of UFMG as well as the Medicine school of UFMG were selected to spearhead AI research in the health sector. WINET participates in this project, supporting the research in all matters related to networking, Internet of Things, sensors and actuators, as well as system and application-level security.

PORVIR-5G - programabilidade, orquestração e virtualização de redes em 5g

The PORVIR-5G project is a project in cooperation between UFMG, UFES, UFRGS, UNISINOS and UNICAMP, which will investigate the future of the Internet in view of the new demands of 5G networks.

The project will develop and demonstrate a communication network with its programmable fronthaul and backhaul, integrating wireless networks with optical network solutions, packet switched networks and cloud computing. The key technologies of the PORVIR-5G project are: (i) slicing of optical, wireless and packet networks, controlled by (ii) deep programmability interfaces, through which devices are configured by network functions to provide the necessary performance for future Internet applications, which allows for (iii) end-to-end and multi-layer orchestration, considering the quality of experience of applications running on the network. The project will validate and demonstrate the programmability and virtualization proposals in three demos, each supporting the key performance demands of 5G networks: (i) an Internet of Things demonstration focusing on massive communication between devices (massive machine-type communication); (ii) a demonstration of smart cities that demand reliable low-latency flows; and (iii) a demonstration of high-speed video transmission that demonstrates next generation broadband networks.

SFI2 - Slicing future internet infrastructures

SFI2 main site. The technological evolution centered on the concepts of Software Defined Networks (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and, more recently, on the fifth generation of mobile telecommunications networks, known as 5G, has caused great impact on the Internet. This impact comes not only from the creation of new technologies, communication protocols, security solutions, energy efficiency mechanisms and others, but also from the need to jointly operate this plethora of innovations with each other and with the legacy of the Internet. As a result, several experimentation environments with different scopes have emerged in Brazil, targeting at the research of different subsets of technologies, among them: FIBRE, experimentation of alternative architectures to the current Internet; FUTEBOL, experimentation in telecommunications networks involving optical and wireless communications; CloudNEXT, experimentation on cloud computing and bare-metal provisioning; FIWARE, future Internet-Based applications based on Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Cloud Computing; 5GINFIRE, experimentation in 5G networks, based on NFV and cloud usage; and finally NECOS, focused on the creation of slices that encompass different clouds with distributed resources.

The main objective of this project is to provide a solution for the provision of advanced network scenarios and allocation of computational resources by slicing these multi-domain experimentation infrastructures, in the simplified creation of complex networks with minimum configuration effort based on the intelligent orchestration of this multi-domain slicing, offering Slice-as-a Service (SlaaS) for future Internet developers.

FUTEBOL - Federated union of telecommunications research facilities for an eu-brazil open laboratory

FUTEBOL web site. The EU-BR FUTEBOL project envisages the creation of a federated control framework to integrate testbeds from Europe and Brazil for network researchers form academia/industry with unprecedented features.

Our major goal is to allow the access to advanced experimental facilities in Europe and Brazil for research and education across the wireless and optical domains. To accomplish this, we will develop a converged control framework to support optical/wireless experimentation on the federated research infrastructure from all associated partners/institutions. This way, industry-driven use cases can be deployed to produce advances in research at the optical/wireless boundary.

Videos of the project can be seen on its official Youtube page.

Ethanol southbound SDN interface

Ethanol is a southbound SDN interface for IEEE 802.11 networks. It allows a finer grain of control over the APs in your WiFi network. The controller provides extensions to POX. You can watch an Youtube video on the project.

MoReLit: Monitoramento remoto de linhas de alta tensão

MoReLit is a three year project R&D (2012-2014), funded by ANEEL (National Agency of Electricity) and CEMIG (the regional company for energy distribution and generation in the Minas Gerais state). The purpose of the project is to develop a prototype of a sensor network for the monitoring of high tension lines. The sensor network will identify important events in the lines (i.e. power outage, cable breakage, etc) and collect send this information to the operating center. The system aims at reducing the time required to diagnose and identify failures in the electric grid, as well as reduce the downtime for the consumers via improved system monitoring. You can watch a video of the prototype node being deployed here.

ReInt: Redes Inteligentes

ReInt is a CNPq project (2012-2014) which aims to develop intelligent networks, through the use of technologies such as machine learning, software-defined radios and softeware-defined networks, in the Internet of things as well as in the Future Internet.

GAP-IFC – Gerenciamento, Arquitetura e Protocolos na Internet do Futuro e das Coisas

GAP-IFC s a two-year cooperation project with Laboratoire d’Informatique Gaspard-Monge (LIGM) and Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) in France. The project aims to develop management protocols and tools for the Future Internet as well as mobile networks.

MMAPS – Gerenciamento, Mobilidade, Arquitetura, Protocolos e Segurança na Internet do Futuro e das Coisas

MMAPS is a four year project (2012-2015), funded by Capes/Cofecub. It is a cooperation project among UFMG, UFPR and UFRGS in Brazil, and INRIA Nancy-Grand Est, Laboratoire d’Informatique Gaspard-Monge (LIGM) and Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) in France. The objective of this project is to develop key technologies for the Internet of Things (IoT), mainly working on the aspects of network management, mobility management, security, as well as devising new protocols and architectures for the IoT.

RESEFA: Redes Sem Fio Adaptativas

RESEFA is a two-year project (2011-2013) financed by Fapemig. The objective of the project is to improve the self-configuration aspects of wireless multi-hop networks by the development of new protocols and algorithms using autonomic paradigms. The project operates in three levels. First, it proposes new mechanisms to exchange information in DTNs whenever a contact occurs. Second, it promotes the use of adaptive and/or hybrid protocols, which employ DTN and ad hoc routing concepts and algorithms, in order to improve the performance and reliability of wireless networks. Finally, the project promotes more efficient information dissemination in the application layer with the use of self-configuring protocols based on the context of the nodes and of the network as a whole.

(CIA)2: Construindo Cidades Inteligentes – da Instrumentação dos Ambientes ao desenvolvimento de Aplicações

(CIA)2 is a two-year cooperation project (2011-2012), financed by RNP. Its objective is to develop new protocols, based on IPv6, for the creation of smart cities. The project will develop several types of networks required for a smart urban environment: sensor networks for the monitoring of rivers, green wireless mesh networks for Internet access, a feedback network for the Brazilian System of Digital TV (SBTVD), and heterogeneous networks for traffic monitoring. The Webpage for the demonstration of the project can be found here.


Other older projects

These are the past projects of the WINET group. For a longer description of each project, click here.

  • “UbiNet: Robustez, desempenho e segurança em redes ubíquas de coisas”

  • “Agentes inteligentes: Cooperação, Comunicação e Segurança”

  • “Radhocri: Redes ad-hoc para situações de crise”

  • “ACASASOGRA – Arquitetura, serviços, aplicações e comunicação em tecnologias de redes de computadores ad hoc, sensores sem fio e grades computacionais”

  • “Polinet: Redes móveis ad hoc, sem fio, tolerantes a interrupções, de sensores, de resgate, mesh e sistemas distribuídos”

  • “Marenegri – Multi-agentes para negociação de recursos em grids computacionais”

  • “Segurança em Redes de Sensores Sem Fio e Alocação Recursos em Grades Computacionais”

  • “Protocolos, Gerenciamento e Aplicações em Redes de Computadores, Redes de Sensores Sem Fio e de Sistemas Distribuídos”

  • “Sensorsim – Simulação de Redes de Sensores Sem Fio”

  • “Redes de Sensores Sem Fio Programáveis através de Agentes Móveis”

  • “Utilizando Agentes Móveis no Gerenciamento das Redes de Sensores Sem Fio”

  • “QoSWare – Gerenciamento de QoS no Middleware para Aplicações em Tempo Real”

  • “Sensornet – Arquitetura, Protocolos, Gerenciamento e Aplicações em Redes de Sensores Sem Fio”

  • “Projeto SIS – Sistema Integrado de Supervisão”